Rape has become increasingly common today. The world seem to be battling with it just like a pandemic. Recent reports shows the world have witnessed a spike in cases of rape and sexual assaults.
Despite the relentless efforts of the government and several human rights organisation, the number of such experiences has continued to increase. This means that you as a woman/man need to know how to protect yourself from rapists.
This article will discuss in detail various ways you can protect yourself from such an ugly experience. But before we begin, it is important to know the following 10 attributes of a potential rapist (according to Robin Warshaw).
1. Pressures you to be alone with him or have sex
2. Talks down about women in general
3. Gets high or drunk and tries to get you to do the same
5. Easily gets irritated or angry
6. Enjoys being cruel to people especially children
7. Physically violent even in subtle ways such as grabbing or touching when you’ve said not to
8. Emotionally abuses you by insulting you or ignoring your views
9. Tries to control some elements of your life such as who your friends are, what you do or even how you dress
10. Views you as his subject.
Note: Though the traits above are that of a potential rapist, it doesn’t necessarily imply that anyone having them are rapists.
Having discussed some of the qualities of a potential rapist, what do you need to do to protect yourself against them?
Avoid bad associates:
If you know what your values are, try to make friends with people who cherish those values. Peer pressure could lead people into choosing the wrong friends. Those who do not have your interest at heart. Most rape incidence are premeditated by those fake friends. If you have friends that exhibit some of the above traits, it’s time to discard them.
Avoid overfamiliarity with the opposite sex:
Some people usually love to be around the opposite sex, claiming to be more free with them. The truth is that such preferences could lead you into trouble. Men will always be men and women with always be women, they can’t substitute each other. People who always love to be around the opposite sex are more liable to sexual assault than those who do not.
Choose your partners wisely:
If your partner exhibit some of the above mentioned traits, it’s a sign of danger. You need to apply discernment. Do not let your heart lead you into loving someone who do not value you. Choose wisely!
Most of the things we have discussed focuses on singles, but what can parents do to ensure the safety of their children? Read more about it here.