There are health signs the face shows that the average man may not know about. The face carries a lot of signs that may be dismissed – usually telling before the sickness for instance sets in.
Unusual signs anywhere over the body should ordinarily not be ignored and with the face especially. These signs should be noted as they are usually indicators of underlying health issues which can be very serious.
Here are 3 signs to never ignore when they show on the face:
1. Extremely dry skin
It’s possible to have dry skin, but when it’s noticed as unusual, then attention should be paid to it, especially if not caused by weather, hot tub baths, other minor issues, and also when they come with equally dry/flaky lips.
An excessive dry skin and lips may be as a result of dehydration which could be an indication of poor dietary habits, vitamins or an underlying health issue.
Read also: 3 Reasons why you need to apply lime juice on your face
2. Facial hair
Too much of facial hair may be an indicator to cancer of the ovaries or a tumor. When you notice excessive hair around the lips, jaw line and around the chin, it might be an indicator to a health issue.
3. Pale/yellowish eyes/skin
Extremely yellowish skin and eyes are usually indicators of jaundice. If the face and the eyes turn very yellow where it is noticeable, then there’s a possibility of a liver disease like hepatitis, which should be treated immediately. Also, yellowish skin could also mean that the pancreas or gall bladder aren’t functioning well.
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