The renowned gospel singer of ‘Ekwueme’, Sister Osinachi Nwachukwu has been confirmed dead. She was confirmed dead on 8th April, 2022, after battling with an unknown ailment, although it was gathered that she has been on life support for the past two months.
Sister Osinachi is known widely for her angelic voice and for the track ‘Ekwueme’. She featured in some popular gospel songs like, ‘Nara Ekele’ by Pastor Paul Eneche (Dunamis, Abuja), ‘Ekwueme’ by Prospa Ochimma and ‘You no dey use me play’ by Emma.
Her last release was in September, 2021 when she released ‘Ikem, God of power’.
Her family is yet to release a statement on her death. She is survived by Peter, her husband and four children.
Nigerians, especially lovers of gospel songs have reacted to her death.
Below are some reactions:
As we mourn, we pray that God will give her family the fortitude to bear the loss.
Saints are going home
May the Lord of Hosts comfort her children.
Men men men
Gone are the days when you thought
Women are your slaves
Love itself never beats, abuse and kill
But rather builds
May the Lord punish him not with death but suffering till he repents