At present, first responders are engaged in a life-saving operation to rescue two siblings, whose identities remain unknown, trapped under debris in Ishawo, Ikorodu area of Lagos State. The incident occurred at number 25 Alao Street, Olainukan, Ishawo, Ikorodu, during heavy rainfall on a Saturday.
According to sources, the collapse of a neighboring building’s fence caused the tragic incident, burying the two children in their room. The victims, aged between eight and 12, are currently being searched for by rescue teams, predominantly comprising local residents.
As of 3 p.m., the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) and Lagos State Fire and Rescue Service had not yet arrived at the scene, despite distress calls. Additionally, attempts to contact Dr. Femi Oke-Osanyitolu, the Permanent Secretary of LASEMA, for necessary action and response, were unsuccessful at the time of reporting.
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