Sweaty palms and feet smell when they become persistent and can get irritating and very uncomfortable. They can also get so bad enough to be embarrassing, especially when the weather doesn’t call for perspiration.
This condition is usually genetic and can be aggravated with the use of certain medications. Unhealthy diets, lifestyle habit, infections, illnesses and more can also form a reason for sweating excessively.
Here are simple ways to tackle sweaty palms and feet:
1. Use of tomatoes
Tomatoes work well to ease sweaty palms and feet because it lowers the body’s temperature which help to reduce excessive sweating.
Tomatoes also contain astringent that shrinks the pores which reduces sweating.
Just cut fresh tomatoes or squeeze out the juice from it and run over parts of the body that is sweaty, then you leave it for about 15-20 minutes, after which you rinse.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar works great for shutting/tightening the pores as it contains natural astringent properties.
All you have to do is to rinse sweat away from the area and apply raw apple cider vinegar around the area, then you leave it for hours or even overnight, after which you take a squeaky clean bath the next day.
3. Lemon
Lemon works for treating sweaty palms and feet, and it also serves as a deodorant with its citrussy scent.
Squeeze lemon juice out of fresh lemon, add baking soda to it and mix till it forms a paste. Then apply the paste to sweaty areas of the body, leave it for about 15-20 minutes, after which you rinse it off.
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