No one is perfect and we make mistakes from time to time, but there are certain things you should never ever ask because it’s a sure way to turn those feelings of love into animosity. There are also some questions that would make them love you more. So, let’s get started with seven of such questions.
Did you know you’re really great at doing that?
It is a rhetorical question, but it’s brilliantly designed to make someone feel truly appreciated and special. If you want to know how to make a girl fall in love with you instantly, Scientific American says people really love hearing nice things about themselves. That is why to make any girl fall in love with you fast, compliments work.
Now, we’re not saying showering the ladies with just any compliment, make her fall in love with you by noticing and appreciating the things she does. The purpose of a compliment is to communicate our sincere appreciation and gratitude. When you notice and pay attention to the things your crush does well, it tells her you care. And when you compliment her, it gives her a boost of confidence and makes her happy. The little effort it takes you to acknowledge something she hass done goes a long way to strengthening your relationship.
The best thing about this as well, is that actions that are rewarded with things like a compliment are likely to be repeated. So, if you tell someone how their smile brightens your day, they’ll likely smile a lot around you.
On a scale from 1 to Henry Cavill, how attractive do you think I am?
This is a pretty much one of the best questions to make her love you, because gentlemen, never underestimate the power of humour. Research at the University of Kansas suggests that if you really want to attract a woman, you need to polish up your punchlines. Picture this, you’re out and see a couple at a restaurant, sitting together laughing. What do you initially think? That’s right, that cheerful couple are enjoying each other’s company and they look like they have a great connection.
Using humour, you can build a solid relationship and give your crush a sense that she belongs with you. You’ll make her happy and she’ll seek that feeling out, and you, all the time. The best way in how to make someone fall in love with you is to make sure that when they’re in your company, they are having a great time. Because who wants to hang out with a downer? Make your girl realize that you have a good sense of humour and can make her smile and laugh.
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Increase your charm factor, and use the question, “On a scale from 1 to Henry Cavill, how attractive do you think I am?” to flirt while bringing a smile to her face.
What kind of things do you like to talk about?
This is such a simple question, but it works! We often hear how important communication is, so learning the things your crush likes to talk about is a great place to start. Know some basic topics that interest her and talk about them. While actions do speak louder than words, conversation is essential for building lasting relationships.
How to make a girl fall in love with you is all about communication, after all. Knowing what questions to ask a girl you like can deepen your connection and is a great place to start building a strong foundation for a healthy partnership. In fact, communication is how to make a girl fall in love with you again if sparks have started to die. Open and clear communication improves companionship, trust, and creates intimacy.
People that don’t communicate well fall into this place where they simply exist in each other’s company, but never actually get to know one another well. If you want a profound and loving relationship, talk openly and frequently.
What did you think about me when you first saw me?
Are you everything she had hoped for or was she disappointed? Hopefully of course it’s nowhere near the latter, but the reason this question helps her to fall for you is because you’re showing interest in her thoughts, feelings, and point of view. By asking this you are hacking her mind by implying you’re comfortable enough with her that asking questions that may add a little awkwardness is fine.
You are not defaulting to small talk or superficial questioning, you are asking a question that tests your comfortability with each other. The answer may delight you, or shock you, but you’re creating an open space for her to fill. The topic gives you both an opportunity to talk on a deeper level about expectations as well, and a chance to correct any initial misunderstandings.
Can you tell me about yourself?
If you want to create some meaningful interaction, ask your girl this question. This one is great to ask on a first date because it opens up a conversation that really sets up the getting-to-know-you part of your relationship. It will make her think you’re actually interested in her, because you are asking about her! You see, people often make the mistake of rattling on about themselves because they are fixated on impressing the other person.
What truly impresses someone though is when you show them attention, when you show interest in what they have to say. This question gives her an opening to speak from the heart and share her life’s journey. Women want to be seen and heard, and this puts the spotlight on her.
What’s important to you right now?
This question can be asked anywhere throughout your relationship. And funny enough, the answer will likely change every time. Questions to make her love you are ones that elicit emotions and create a deeper connection of understanding. When you ask your girl what is really important to her, you discover what makes her tick and what makes her unique. Make a girl crazy for you by showing her you care about what’s important to her.
And the first step in that is knowing exactly what that is. Approach this question with a sincere mindset where your goal is to understand, connect, and to let her know what matters to her, matters to you.
Can you tell me more about that?
This question, or any variation of it, is extremely important if you are trying to make someone fall in love with you. There have been many studies that show that asking questions increases likeability, and more importantly, it is those follow-up questions that make a huge difference. Why? Because it leaves a positive impression that you were listening, and you are interested in the things the other person has to say.
By asking follow-up questions, you prolong a conversation with your crush as well, which means more quality time with each other, and more opportunity to get to know each other a lot better.
However, any questions that revolve around her weight or her looks just shouldn’t be asked. So, avoid questions like, “Do you even go to the gym?,” Are you sure you should eat that?” or Do you know how many calories are in a donut?” Either appreciate how she looks, or don’t, but never ask these kinds of questions. It makes you extremely shallow and judgmental and no woman likes that in a man.