The idea of being famous has great appeal. For some people, fame happens to be the solution to so many problems.
When you are famous, people will make way for you in crowds, you will be admired by strangers and you wouldn’t have to explain who you are at most places. If you ever feel unhappy about something, your complaints will be taken very seriously and your happiness will become the focus of everyone’s effort.
The intense desire for fame probably has its roots from past experience. Some people who dream to be famous had at some point in the past been made to feel extremely insignificant. Perhaps by friends, schoolmates, relatives or acquaintances. Hence they dream that someday the world will pay attention to their stories.
However, there is a problem, fame cannot really accomplish what is expected of it. Most people want to be famous because they want people to like them, but the world is generally not as kind as always. For some basic reasons, the success of one person could get another intimated or humiliated. The celebrity of a few persons will always contrast painfully with the obscurity of many others.
Being famous sometimes upsets people. Fame can also make people more vulnerable to unlimited judgment.
Everyone is wounded by a cruel assessment of their character or merit, but famous people have an added challenge in store. Their assessments usually come from legions of people who would never dare to say to their faces what they express from the safety of the newspaper, office or the screen.
Social media makes it easier than before for people to become famous, but it has also made it far more easier to be hated online. The minor celebrity can now regularly face all the vitriol previously accorded only to popular celebrities.
Fame can make people to notice you, but they can’t really understand appreciate or love you at individual level.
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Appreciation and understanding are only available through individuals who loves and care about you, not via groups of thousand or a million strangers.
For those who are already famous, the only way to stay sane is to stop listening to what the wider world are saying. This applies to the good things as much as the bad ones.
Today, so many people, especially young ones want to be famous so as to be respected or appreciated by people.
The desire for fame is a sign that an ordinary life has ceased to be good enough. However, the solution is not to encourage more people to become famous, but to put massive efforts into encouraging greater level of politeness and consideration for everyone in the family, communities, workplaces and the society in general.
Only then will the society give up on the understandable but erroneous belief that fame is the solution for many problems.