Money and finance are areas people pay keen attention to in life. Even if you have missed some of these points in life, it’s never too late to redefine your financial life.
See money tips you wish you knew earlier
1. Save Now: Learn to save. Saving for specific projects will help you stay fit even after paying for them. Although most people prefer investment to saving, saving would always see you through when your investment hasn’t paid
2. Buy only what you can afford at the moment: Extravagant spending will leave you broke. Try as much as possible to stick to a budget. But only what you want.
3. Have an Emergency fund: Having an emergency fund will save you from running a shelter-shelter when in dire need of money, or touching your saving. You may encounter health issues or need urgent money for maintenance.
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4. Take Advantage of free money: When unexpected money enters your account, make good use of it. Avoid spending or misusing it. Save it or use it for emergency funds.
5. Learn about investment : Learning about investment is one money tip you should learn about. Learn how to buy shares and stock. Sign up for webinars or take online classes.
6. Avoid spending so much when socializing: There is so much influence that comes with being in the midst of your peers. Avoid the temptation of spending so much when you’re out with friends.
7. Find ways to increase your income: If you wish for more money, increase your source of income. Find ways to increase your source of income, this will help boost your finance.
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