Unlike a country like Nigeria, not many countries are lenient with the way their citizens or tourists dress.
There are countries with the strictest dress code for both tourists and locals. Most of these strict dress codes do fall back to the female folk and are predominant in most Islamic States.
Saudi Arabia
Women in Saudi Arabia wear a mandatory unique and long black cloak called an abaya that covers all parts of the body.
Any dress that reveals a few of your forms is considered criminal whether a tourist or local and the men are not allowed to engage in private parties.
North Korea
In North Korea, women are not allowed to wear skinny jeans or tight trousers. Any dressing that reflects the Western culture is abhorred because the North Korean government will not want her citizens to get attached to the Western culture in any way.
For the men in North Korea, they are asked to have a short haircut and are to get their hair cut every fifteen days.
Women in Sudan face punishment if seen wearing western-style leggings and slack, and can be arrested for wearing skirts.
This is not about the male or female dress code but the military dress code.
In Barbados, civilians do not wear military camouflage. This is to avoid mistaking a civilian for a military. Many other Caribbean countries do this as well.
Qatari people are extreme when it comes to dressing codes for males and females alike. Qatar makes no exceptions for locals or foreigners.
Anyone visiting Greece (the rock and monasteries) is expected to cover their legs and arms. All churches in Greece has a dress code for modesty
When visiting ancient sites in Greece, you are not permitted to wait for heels. This is to protect national treasures from tearing.