Reports from the trading economics has it that Nigeria’s annual inflation rate has accelerated from 16.82% to 17.71% in May of 2022, and what this means is that people can no longer purchase luxuries but are now stuck with buying only necessities.
Here are 5 foods Nigerians can no longer buy due to inflation:
1. Sardines
Sardines are now quite expensive. One sardine now cost between #500 – #1000
Read also: 5 Foods that can prevent erectile dysfunction
2. Eggs
One egg is now #80 and in some places, a crate goes for as high as #4000. Egg is now seen as the big man’s food.
3. Indomie
A carton of indomie now cost over #3000, while one pack of the smallest indomie flavor is now #120.
4. Beans
Beans which used to be the poor man’s food is now outrageously expensive. A bowl of raw beans is now sold at the rate of #500.
And we are left with the question, which way Nigeria?
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