High blood pressure also known as Hypertension occurs when there is so much pressure in the arteries than it is supposed to be.
It is a serious medical condition that increases the likelihood of having heart, brain l, kidney and other diseases.
If one blood pressure measures above 140/90 it is said to be high and if it measures above 180/20 it becomes severe.
High blood pressure can be caused by ;
- Unhealthy diets( too much salt intake, diet high in saturated and trans fat)
- consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
- It can be in a family history.
- Obesity.
Management of high blood pressure:
- Regular visits to the hospital- it helps in controlling your blood pressure and keeps your health in check.
- Reduce stress – Chronic dress are high contributors to high blood pressure.
- Avoid dwelling so much on issues that you cannot control.
- Avoid things that would spur your stress level.
- Try doing things on time to avoid being choked up.
- Avoid people who cause you stress
- Avoid trying to do so much at the same time.
- Avoid smoking or second hand smoking – Second hand smoking can occur when you inhale the smoke from someone smoking.
- Limit your intake of alcohol and tobacco.
- Watch your weight – High blood pressure can be managed by watching your weight, since obesity can be a major cause of it, blood pressure increases as weight increase. Losing weight can help you reduce High blood pressure. Also proper attention should be paid on the weight on the waist line. It shouldn’t be more than 40 inches in men and 35 in women.
- Engage in Physical activities such as exercises, the help in bringing down blood pressure. Exercises to do include – Jogging, swimming, running and cycling.