Walnut is a round shaped nut with brownish shells and an inner whitish nut. Walnut originated from Persia and spread across Asia and other continents.
In the south east Nigeria, walnut is called “okpa” it can be prepared into a local dish that can be taken as a meal or snacks.
Walnut is a seasonal fruits with a lot of benefits.
Here are reasons why Walnut is good for your health:
1. Walnut help support sperm health and male fertility. Eating walnut regularly will help combat potential harmful effects on the make reproduction.
2. Walnut boost brain function
Eating walnut will help a better brain function and a faster processing speed, it encourages more mental flexibility and a better memory. It helps to protect the brain from damaging inflammation, walnut also support good brain function as you age.
3. Encourages healthy ageing
Walnuts are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fibers, fats and plants compound that may help support good physical functioning bas you age. Walnut is among the food that make the strongest contribution to a healthy diet.
Walnut help to preserve physical function such as walking and other activities as you age.
4. Weight control
Walnut helps in weight control by helping you control appetite and hunger. After consuming walnut, there is an increased activation in a region of the brain that help them resist highly tempting foods.
5. Reduce cancer risk
The polyphenols in walnut may reduce your risk of certain cancers, including breast and prostate cancer.
6. Contains a lot of vitamins
Walnut contain vitamins B6, B7 and E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the body from things that can damage the body. B6 increases brain growth and function.
7. Reduces risk of diabetes
By controlling excess weight, it reduces the risk of blood sugar and diabetes.
Walnut is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and other nutrient that prevent unborn babies from developing good allergies.
9. Prevents sleep disorder
The melatonin in walnut aid better sleep tackling some sleep disorder which is likely to occur at night. People who find it difficult to sleep well at night or during the day should eat a reasonable amount of walnut before going to bed.