Curry leaves are tropical to sub tropical tree native to Asia and India. Curry leaves are mostly used for culinary purposes and medical uses.
Curry leaves are rich in protective plant substances such as alkaloids, glycosides and phenolic compounds.
These compounds act as anti-oxidant in the body and Anti-oxidant play essential role in keeping the body from diseases.
Curry leaves mainly add flavour to different dishes.
Why you should add curry leaves to your meals:
1. Weight loss
It works against weight gain to control the body’s level of cholesterol. Consuming curry leaves regularly helps to get faster weight loss and should be with a balanced diet.
2. Helps to treat wounds
Applying the paste of curry leaves has curate effects on wounds, rashes and boils. It can also help to eliminate any type of harmful infection.
3. It improves blood circulation
Curry leaves helps to resolve mental problems, gonorrhea, diarrhea and alleviate aches.
4. Enhancing eye health
Curry leaves are rich in carotenoids containing Vitamin A thereby reducing the possibility of damage to the cornea. Lack of vitamin A can cause eye disorder: vision loss, blindness and cloud formation.
5. Improves hair growth
Curry leaves are very good for making the hair grow. The leaf extract in curry has demonstrated anti-fungal activity against fungal scalp infection.
6. Helps in digestion
Curry leaves has mild laxative properties that help the stomach get rid of unnecessary waste.
7. Reduces heart disease risk
Adding curry leaves to your diet may help reduce risk factors such as high cholesterol.
8. Have anticancer effects
Regular consumption of curry leaves protects the heart against cancer properties.