Prostrate cancer is one of the most common cancer in men after skin cancer. And it is the most common cause of cancer death in men.
Prostrate is a small gland in the male reproductive system which produces fluid that enriches the semen. The fluid helps keep the sperm healthy during pregnancy. But as men get older, it may cause issues.
Sometimes prostrate cancer may have no symptoms, and when it comes with symptoms, the differ in each man.
Notwithstanding, here are common warning signs you could get before having prostrate cancer.
• Blood in Urine
• Blood in semen
• Painful Ejaculation
• Erectile dysfunction
• Burning sensation during urination
• Frequent urination especially at night
• Difficulty when starting or stopping urinating
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Aside from the common signs, men with advanced prostrate cancer could experience:
- Swelling in the leg or pelvic area
- Bone pain that persist or lead to fracture
- Numbness or pain in the hips or feet
The best way to determine prostrate cancer is through screening and diagnosis, although there are risk factors to prostrate cancer.
They include:
1. Age (mostly above 55)
2. Obesity
3. Ethnicity (Blacks/Africans)
4. Smoking
5. Family History
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