Barbing salon is one the lucrative business in Nigeria which most people are not aware of, guys especially will always visit the barbing salon every two weeks to get a good haircut and if the barbing salon happens to be in a good location, it will have customers trooping in to get some cute look.
Business Tips for a barbing salon
1. Get a good location
Barbing salon should be located in an accessible place and somewhere that has people leaving around.
Having your barbing Salon located around a junction will be an edge to getting customers.
2. Get good working tools
Every barbing salon should have good tools to work with. It will be absurd to begin working on a customer only to stop halfway due to issues like a blunt clipper or spoilt clipper. Tools like sterilisers will attract customers to your shop. People are afraid of contracting infections from clippers so when
3. Have a steady power supply
The nature of the power supply in Nigeria is not steady and barbing Salon business is such a business that needs electricity to run.
Having a generator will be a good backup for electricity. It will not be nice for customers to leave your shop due to lack of power supply.
4. Have your shop furnished
People love aesthetics and luxury, barbing salon shops should have beautiful paintings and aesthetics to attract people to the shop.
Barbing salon shops should have air conditioners and fans, tiled floors and a big wall mirror to make the shop beautiful.
5. Get the right furniture
Not all furniture is suitable for a barbing salon shop. The barbing salon seat should be a rotating seat for easy mobility. Comfortable seats should also be kept for customers who are waiting for their turn.